Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Leonie Purchase (now Leonie Hampton)

Leonie Purchase is a British photographer who spent many years creating photo essays about various family dynamics and communities. She then created a project, which I'm featuring here, called "In the Shadow of Things" which is about her own family. She explains in an article that her mother and father divorced when she was young, whereafter her mother moved with her new partner and their son to "an isolated house at the end of a long dirt track." 16 years later, the house is still mostly unpacked, which is mostly because of her mother's severe OCD which immensely impacts her daily life. The project reminded me of Lisa Lindvay's in some ways, although I think Leonie Purchase approaches the project in a very different way. Maybe my eye is overly critical or sensitive after hearing Lisa speak so much about her project, but these photos don't seem to retain any sense of familial love. Instead they seem so bleak and almost detached, but many of the photographs are beautiful!

I can't find a lot of her images online, so I'll attach a few but I'm also going to attach the link to a page where she talks about the project and there are a larger selection of her images, especially some of her mother and the state of the house, which I wasn't able to find as easily floating online.

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